Elliot Lodge, Kings Norton, Birmingham
Care First > Hubs > Elliot Lodge
Learning and Development Hub
Bungalow set back off the road with off-road parking, sensory room, large secure garden area. Links into the community allotments, access to local shops and public transport. Accessible kitchen, hoisting and personal care facilities.
Located at:
4 Newholmes (off Southern Drive), Monyhull Hall Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham B30 3PF
Learning Opportunities
- Sensory Creative Craft and Design
- Personal Social Development embedding Literacy and Numeracy
- Holistic Health, Relaxation and Wellbeing
- Improving Self-esteem and Behaviours of Concern
- Communication Skills, Making Choices and Keeping Safe
- Life and Social Skills incorporating Health and Hygiene
- Community Opportunities including Sports and Exercise
- Sensory Cookery, Home Skills and Gardening
- Person Centred Delivery
Our Hubs
Care First aim to improve the quality of life for adults 16+ with learning difficulties/disabilities, autism, mental health and behaviours that concern through practical and vocational training. Please contact us to find out more on how we could help you and the adult you care for.
Beacon Lodge
- Support Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Behavioural Support Needs
- Mental Health
Bordesley Green
- Supporting Autism
- Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Physical Disabilities
- PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
- Complex Needs
- Behavioural Support Needs
Collingwood Library
- Supporting Autism
- Mild to moderate Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
Eden Lodge
- Support Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Behavioural Support Needs
- Mental Health
Elliot Lodge
- Supporting Autism
- Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Physical Disabilities
- PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
- Complex Needs
- Behavioural Support Needs
- Supporting Autism
- Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Physical Disabilities
- PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
- Complex Needs
Reeves Street
- Supporting Autism
- Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Physical Disabilities
- PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
- Complex Needs
- Behavioural Support Needs, mild to moderate
Sayer House
- Supporting Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Behavioural Support Needs
- Physical Disabilities
- Mental Health
Signal House
- Supporting Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Behavioural Support Needs
- Mental Health
Signal One
- Supporting Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Behavioural Support
- Mental Health
Silica Road
- Supporting mild to moderate Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
- Autism
- Complex needs
- Physical Disabilities
- PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities)
Unit 3
- Mental Health
- Autism
- Learning Disabilities, mild to moderate
Unit 11
- Supporting Autism
- Learning Disabilities and Learning Difficulties, mild to moderate